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Pattern Education NICARAGUA


The defining feature of some Nicaraguans is their search for alcohol.  Each of these men and women were born with attributes that reflected the image of God, but habits were formed that brought these men and women to penury.  They might beg, or steal, or lie to support their pattern of life. 

They don’t want to do these bad things.  They don’t want to be social outcasts.  They don’t want to be pariahs to their children.  But the habits are strong.


Christ looks on these dear children with deep pity.  He wants them to have another chance.

We provide spiritual and emotional support for these, our brothers and sisters.  We do this by befriending each person with whom we work.  We spend time with them, provide resources for some of them, and encourage them to give their hearts to the Lord.

It is a very long work.  Most alcoholics return to their alcohol many times before they finally leave it.  We are with them in their moment of need, and later, and much later.  

When alcoholics are reborn as sons and daughters of God, they want to make things right with their families.  They wash their clothes and present themselves in a way that evinces that they are no longer tossed and turned by the circumstances of life.  They are free.  

That’s what we want.  We want them free from sin and free from the binding cords of harmful habits.

We want these precious souls to be with Christ for eternity

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