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Plans for a Rehab Center

Alcoholic men and women in Muy Muy need a place that is dedicated to loving them into sobriety and that assists them in the development of Christian character. Land has been purchased, but funds have not been available to begin the process of building a permanent facility.

Thanks to the generosity of the Lord, funds have now been given that will cover the cost of excavating a hillside site on the south of the property. Excavation is the first step in the process of constructing a suitable building.

Sunday morning, Kari sent this WhatsApp message to Anna. She wrote: “Anna, Eric just called. He's going to call you”. We had been trying to contact an individual named Eric Smith so that we could get a bid for the required excavation. Anna was groggily processing Kari’s message when her phone rang. It was Eric. He was going to the land in Miragua, and he wanted to meet her as soon as possible.

Eric and Noel (our farm worker) were on-site when Anna arrived. Anna took the next bus to Miragua. She showed Eric the tentative design for the building. They talked about how much dirt would need to be moved and when it could be done. Eric is working on a bid to build a platform of earth on the side of the hill.

Anna had prepared a rough drawing of the proposed building, but professional architectural drawings would be better so that everyone could see what is involved. Consequently, the same afternoon that Anna met with Eric Smith she contacted the company that makes a popular architectural software product entitled Revit. Anna is familiar with the software. She wanted to use the software to produce drawings and renderings of the proposed rehabilitation center. An annual subscription costs $2,310. But, thanks to the Lord, the agent with whom she spoke gave her permission to use an educational license for free.

Lord willing, dirt will soon be moved and the building site will be readied. It will be some time before the foundation is laid, because we are moving along as funds are received, but the first step (excavation) will soon be complete!

Each week has its challenges, but each week also has its blessings. We serve a perfectly kind Heavenly Father.

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