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Children's Pathfinder Program

About a month ago, the Muy Muy SDA Church began a Pathfinders program. When I found out that the church was starting Pathfinders, I asked the leaders if community children could participate, and they said yes.

I invited several children. The first Sunday, four girls came – Karolyna’s two daughters, Isaylin and Sherlyn, and two other sisters, Ashley and Britany. The following Sabbath, as I was sitting in Sabbath School, Steven and his little sister entered and sat next to me. Steven is Ashley and Britany's cousin. Toward the close of the service, Steven told me that he and his sister were going to come to my house after church.

When church ended, we walked to my house. I made the children some rice, which Steven especially enjoyed. They stayed with me for about three hours before returning home.

The next day, Steven and his sister came to church for the Pathfinder’s meeting. I hadn’t invited them, but I guess they heard about it from their cousins. At the end of the meeting, the pastor told me that Steven needed to memorize Psalm 23 to complete the unit.

On Friday, I went to Steven’s house to help him learn Psalm 23. He had already memorized the first two verses. He learned two more with me, and the following week he memorized the rest. He can now recite the entire psalm with very few mistakes.

The next Sabbath, Steven wanted to come home with me again, but I was going to take a Sabbath walk to the river, and his mother didn’t want him to come along. But the following Sabbath, Steven, his sister, Santos, and Ana (relatives of Steven) came over. The Sabbath after that, Santos, Ana, Ashley, and Britany came over. We walked to the river and the children swam for awhile. They loved it.

Karolyna’s daughters have been attending the Pathfinder meetings faithfully. We just finished the first unit, and the club is suspended until the leaders have made the necessary preparations to begin the next one. I am happy that these children now have a wholesome, good influence in their lives.

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